Time Unbound

You are ready to feel expansive and free so you can generate more money while doing less and luxuriate in your unbound life.

Join me for a 1-1 experience where you’ll learn to embody the highest version of yourself, where you create the lifestyle and time freedom you desire.

“Michal stands out because of her genuine desire to help others. I was encouraged to take my time in exploring what I really wanted. No pressure, but consistency helped.

Eventually, the questions being asked tapped into a passion I have. Once that happened, a spark inside me lit. I could feel the excitement again. It felt invigorating and contagious”.

- Leslie

Here’s how we’ll work together inside the program


What your limitless and unbound life looks like.


From the outdated mindset patterns and programming that keep you stuck on the hamster wheel of constant hustle. We’ll elevate your self-concept so that you’ll be able to luxuriate in your time freedom.


Delegate, Automate, or Delete the tasks and responsibilities that keep you unnecessarily busy.

We'll simplify and streamline your workload and focus only on the most important tasks so you earn more while doing less, freeing up your time and enhancing your energy.


Amplify your success by nurturing yourself and infusing more joy, creativity, and intuition while embracing cyclical living.

Together we will

  • Un-complicate

  • De-crappify

  • Un-busy

    Your mind and schedule

    So you bring forth the highest version of yourself and create the lifestyle and time freedom you desire.

“I was struggling to put things into priority order and with a growing 'to do' list wasn't really getting anything done.

Coaching with Michal really helped to get things back on track and reprioritise if things were going sideways. The road ahead feels a lot clearer now.”

- Sonia, Pet Pro Trainer

Ready to start living your limitless and unbound life?

  • Schedule a complimentary 15-minute session where we can discuss if the program will be best for you.

  • If you can’t find a suitable time, simply email me at michal@spaceandgrace.me with your timezone and availability, and we’ll find a time that works perfectly for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a payment plan?

Payments can be spread across the 6-month program.

I don’t think I have time for this

Creating a limitless and unbound life is worth carving out time for.

You deserve this.

Ready to start living your limitless and unbound life?

  • Schedule a complimentary 15-minute session where we can discuss if the program will be best for you.

  • If you can’t find a suitable time, simply email me at michal@spaceandgrace.me with your timezone and availability, and we’ll find a time that works perfectly for you.